The aim of the November 2023 mission was determined within the framework of the general conservation plan. The objectives focused on:
- Sorting/processing of environmental monitoring (climatic) data
- Processing of archival photo documentation of the project (2020, 2021, 2022)
- Exploring conservation materials and equipment needed for the project
- Determination of methodology and location of recent interventions (based on archival materials)
- Graphic documentation of technology and condition (III register)
Accordingly, the provided report presents:
- Locations and methodology of previous conservation interventions (with attached examples of archival material, tables and graphic documentation).
- Graphical documentation of technology and condition of the paintings
- 2020-2022 environmental data: annual, seasonal, monthly data (absolute humidity, relative humidity, air temperature, dew point temperature)
at the following locations:
o Horizontal section of the main space of the Church of the Virgin Mary,
o Vertical section of the eastern and western arms of the Church of the Virgin Mary, the northern and southern chapels and entrances, narthex,
o St. George's Church
See full report: Wall painting research and data processing. Gelati Monastery Complex, the Church of the Virgin, Main space, lower registers of the arms.