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Wall painting research and data processing. Gelati Monastery Complex, the Church of the Virgin, Main space, lower registers of the arms.

The aim of the November 2023 mission was determined within the framework of the general conservation plan. The objectives focused on:

- Sorting/processing of environmental monitoring (climatic) data

- Processing of archival photo documentation of the project (2020, 2021, 2022)

- Exploring conservation materials and equipment needed for the project

- Determination of methodology and location of recent interventions (based on archival materials)

- Graphic documentation of technology and condition (III register)

Accordingly, the provided report presents:

- Locations and methodology of previous conservation interventions (with attached examples of archival material, tables and graphic documentation).

- Graphical documentation of technology and condition of the paintings

- 2020-2022 environmental data: annual, seasonal, monthly data (absolute humidity, relative humidity, air temperature, dew point temperature)

at the following locations:

o Horizontal section of the main space of the Church of the Virgin Mary,

o Vertical section of the eastern and western arms of the Church of the Virgin Mary, the northern and southern chapels and entrances, narthex,

o St. George's Church

See full report:   Wall painting research and data processing. Gelati Monastery Complex, the Church of the Virgin, Main space, lower registers of the arms.